Thursday, July 2, 2009

Edna's macaroni

Edna's Macaroni

Nonnie, your great grandmother acquired this recipe, my memory tells me, from her "Birthday Club". A group of Ladies, all related, who had lunch together once a month. They were related by marriage, all the wives, sisters etc. She thought it was delicious and perfect for Christmas dinner because it had RED tomatoes and GREEN peppers. Christmas colors

1 large pkg macaroni (16 oz)
1 cup chopped onions
1/3 cup Crisco-butter or oleo (margarine)
2 green peppers cut in long strips ( julienned)
1 #2 size can tomatoes (lge can, drained)
1 lb cheddar cheese-shredded
1 teas salt (recipe says 1 tble, way too salty)
1/2 teas pepper
3 eggs beaten

Cook macaroni. Melt Crisco-add onions-green peppers. Cook until soft-cook tomatoes. ( Save some cheese to put on top) Combine all ingredients except eggs and mix well. Stir in beaten beaten eggs. Pour in buttered casserole and bake about 1 hour in 350 oven.

Submitted by Sue S.

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