Sunday, July 5, 2009


WARNING!Once you taste these you will never buy a box of Brownie mix again.
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) real butter cut into 4 or more pieces
2 eggs
1/2 teas vanilla
1/8 teas salt
1/2 cup cocoa
1 cup pecans, if desired
1/2 cup flour

In a food processor, with metal blade in place, add butter & sugar. Pulse (on-off-on-off) until thoroughly mixed, about 20 seconds. Add eggs, salt & vanilla. Process until smooth, about 10-15 seconds. Add cocoa & nuts. Pulse until cocoa disappears. Add flour and pulse until it disappears. DO NOT over mix. Spread into buttered 9" square pan. Bake in preheated 350 oven 35 min. Cool, cut into squares. Makes 9-16 Awesome Brownies.

Note: Probably could be made with a mixer, Ive never tried it. Cream butter & sugar on med speed until fluffy.. Add eggs etc mix until smooth, add cocoa, mix again. Add flour and mix with spoon, only until it's incorporated, add nuts, mix gently. Over mixing will make them tough & cakey. Bake as directed.

6 oz pkge Uncle Ben's Long Grain & Wild Rice
1 can mushroom soup
1-1/4 cups water
4 oz can of mushrooms drained
6 pork chops salt & pepper

Mix rice, soup, mushrooms & water in a casserole. Put chops on top. Sprinkle chops with salt & pepper. Cover, bake for 1 hr 20 min in 350 oven. Super easy, really good!

submitted by Sue S.

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